Saturday, March 5, 2011

Incesto Deluxe Italiano

Caution: Lessons on 10 March

The lesson on Thursday 10 March will not take . The classes will instead on Thursday 7 April ( della didattica per la sospensione sessioni esame straordinarie Tues.) recuperated.
Miitwoch March 9 and Friday 11 March normal lessons! Please
in the book FIT FOR THE TESTDAF 'oral expression, Task 4, 5 and 7 " (p. 139-148 and p. 154-158) all the way to work and practice as oral (loud)!
bring for the next lesson hesitate a cassette.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bean Soup Calorie Count


PLAGIARISM - SCIENTIFIC stolen - Publish or Perish

copy and paste "is the trend of sports for students, the seminar itself or theses together sometimes rob from the Internet. How clean but work professors? "Publish or perish" demands the academic tradition as successful: those who published many important scientific articles. As can also be experienced high school teachers succumb to the temptation to steal ideas or texts.

Best Walkie Talkie For City

Causa Guttenberg Open letter to the chancellor of graduate students

Please read the open letter of over 60,000 students, citizens of the
Chancellor Angela Merkel. Summarize your most important Arguments of the signatories of this letter together briefly.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Tais Araujo Y Giannecchini

comes to "Guttenberg"

Who's face on the "scandal Guttenberg" does not yet know, can sometimes look at his homepage. It's about responsibility, trust and so much more ...